Dangerous file types   no comments

Posted at 5:41 pm in Tips

To avoid viruses, be extra careful of the following file types:

  1. .exe .bat .com .vbs .pif .scr are program files and should only be opened if someone is actually sending you a program (which is rare); .zip files are compressed and can be any type thus can also be risky
  2. .doc .xls .pub .ppt .mdb are Microsoft Office files and should only be opened if someone is actually sending you a file
  3. .gif .jpg .png are images and .txt and .rtf are text-only files and are your safest bets (as long as you are up on your windows updates and the extension is the LAST few characters of the file);
  4. .pps and .pdf are presentation formats which are generally safe (but you should still save to desktop and scan before opening)

Written by Trevor on November 30th, 2008

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